Categories help you organize your goals and metrics in a way that makes sense for you. They can represent business areas, departments, teams, entities, processes, or even personal goals like tracking your fitness progress. Categories are accessible through the left-side menu, and selecting one will display the associated dashboard in the main window and reveal the specific functions available for it.
Common Functions: #
1. Metric: View and manage the metrics within the selected category. 2. Plan: Access the planning and results view for the metrics in the category.
Adding a Category #
At the bottom of the category menu, you’ll find the ‘Add Category’ button. Clicking this creates a new category at the end of the list. 1. Name your new category by clicking its placeholder name. 2. Save the category using the disk icon or cancel by clicking the ‘X’ icon.
Editing a Category Name #
To rename a category: • Hover over the category name, click the edit icon, and type the new name.
Reordering Categories #
Rearranging your categories is simple: • Drag and drop a category to your desired position. The system automatically remembers the new order.
Deleting a Category #
To delete a category, ensure all its metrics are removed first. • For empty categories, hover over the category, then click the trashcan icon to delete it.